Foam Rolling to Ease Low Back Pain: Update on the Latest Research

lowback pain

Foam rolling has become a ubiquitous fixture in fitness centers and home workout routines. This simple yet effective self-myofascial release technique has gained immense popularity for its ability to enhance mobility, reduce muscle soreness, and potentially improve performance. While the practice of foam rolling has been around for some time, recent research has shed new light on its benefits and the science behind it. In this blog post, we will explore the latest findings and uncover the secrets to unlocking the full potential of foam rolling.

Understanding Foam Rolling

Before delving into the latest research studies, let's recap what foam rolling is and how it works. Foam rolling is a form of self-massage that targets muscle and fascia – the connective tissue surrounding muscles. I like to describe fascia as a thin plastic wrap that surrounds your muscles.  By using a foam roller, individuals can apply pressure to specific muscle groups, which can help release knots or trigger points, improve circulation, and relieve muscle tension. Foam rolling is widely used as a warm-up or cool-down activity and can be incorporated into various fitness routines.

The Latest Research Insights

  1. Improved Range of Motion (ROM)

A 2022 study published in the Journal of Sports Science & Medicine highlighted the significant impact of foam rolling on improving range of motion. Researchers found that incorporating foam rolling into a warm-up routine increased joint flexibility and muscle pliability. This increased ROM can lead to enhanced exercise performance and a reduced risk of injury. I'll show you how - linked to a short video above.  

  1. Reduction in Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)

One of the most common reasons people turn to foam rolling is to alleviate the post-workout soreness known as DOMS. A study published in the Journal of Athletic Training in 2023 examined the effectiveness of foam rolling in reducing DOMS. The results showed a substantial reduction in perceived soreness when individuals used foam rolling as part of their recovery routine. This research further emphasizes the practical benefits of foam rolling for athletes and fitness enthusiasts.  I have been rolling every evening with a cup of tea before bed for years and it's been working for me.  Find a way to fit it into your current lifestyle. 

  1. Fascia Remodeling

Fascia, the connective tissue that envelops muscles, plays a crucial role in movement and muscle function. Recent studies, including a 2021 report in the Journal of Anatomy, have explored the effects of foam rolling on fascia. They discovered that regular foam rolling may stimulate fascial remodeling, which can enhance muscle function and reduce the risk of adhesions and tissue restrictions.

  1. Nervous System Activation

Emerging research suggests that foam rolling may stimulate the nervous system. A study published in the International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy in 2023 found that foam rolling activated sensory receptors in the skin, muscles, and fascia. This neurological response could potentially enhance neuromuscular function and improve muscle activation during exercise.

Optimizing Your Foam Rolling Routine

To make the most of your foam rolling routine, consider the following tips:

  1. Time It Right: Incorporate foam rolling into your warm-up or cool-down routine. Focus on specific muscle groups related to your workout.

  2. Use Proper Technique: Ensure you're using the right technique for each muscle group. Roll slowly and apply steady, controlled pressure. *Avoid rolling over joints and bony areas.

  3. Customize Intensity: Adjust the intensity of your foam rolling session based on your comfort level. As your muscles adapt, you can increase pressure gradually.

  4. Consistency is Key: For long-term benefits, make foam rolling a consistent part of your fitness regimen. Aim for at least 5-10 minutes of foam rolling on targeted muscle groups several times a week.  You don't need a ton of time!


The latest research studies on foam rolling continue to underscore the myriad benefits of this simple self-myofascial release technique. Whether you're an athlete aiming to improve performance, a fitness enthusiast looking to alleviate muscle soreness, or someone focused on overall well-being, incorporating foam rolling into your routine can have a positive impact. With the newfound knowledge from recent research, it's clear that foam rolling is a valuable tool in the pursuit of optimal physical health and fitness. So, grab your foam roller and start unlocking its power today.

Give yourself 5 mins, press play on the video above and join me in learning how to roll!

Keep Moving,

Physio Julie

If you are looking for a complete deep core program that incorporates foam rolling and soft tissue techniques in an efficient manner - check out my 6 Week Program!  I know you'll love it, if not there is a 30 day guarantee.  


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