Relieve Tailbone Pain with these 3 Effective Exercises and Stretches.

lowback pain
Tailbone Pain? Low Back Pain? Try These Exercises & Stretches. SI Joint Pain. Sacral mobility, sacral stretch, soft tissue mobilization with lacrosse/physio ball.  Physical Therapy

If you have been experiencing tailbone pain and don’t know where to start, you are in the right place.  Click on the thumbnail above to follow along with 3 simple Physical Therapy stretches/techniques to help you. 

If following along photos/descriptions is more your learning style, I have summarized the video in an infographic for you below. 

 Love this stuff and you're ready for the next level?

I curated a 6 Week Deep Core and Low Back Program for active people like you!

Are you dealing with consistent pain, niggles, weakness and don’t know where to start? Get started with the #1 WAY TO STRENGTHEN YOUR LOW BACK & CORE for good!

You get 18 curated Physical Therapy sessions plus a few bonuses - right in the comfort of your own home, from anywhere in the world, for less than it costs for ONE 1:1 assessment with me.

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I hope you enjoy the video!

If you made it to end of this blog post you are amazing and are dedicated to living your best life through a strong, fit body!   That's why I love you and I'm super grateful for you.  I'm looking forward to creating more of these posts for you!

Keep Moving,


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"Peak Nutrition: An Athletes Guide to Recovery, Injury Prevention and Performance."